Greg Jenkins is a dedicated and passionate diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant, practitioner, and life-long learner. Greg completed a successful 28+ year US Army career that ranged from overseas duties in Germany, South Korea, and combat duty in Iraq to include several stateside assignments culminating in Washington D.C. While serving in uniform Greg’s performance leading Military Equal Opportunity efforts resulted in developing a model program for other US Army Equal Opportunity and human relations advisors.
His performance further resulted in his selection to the Army’s Diversity Task Force at the Pentagon, which helped to establish the Army’s Diversity program, policies and products. He was instrumental in the planning and execution of the Army’s Diversity marketing campaign achieving world-wide coverage for the Army’s 1.4M Soldiers, civilians, and their family members. Greg has directly served and represented senior executive leaders at the local, state, non-profit, corporate and Department of Defense levels.
Now after successfully completing his Army career, Greg continues to provide diversity, equity, and inclusion high performance organization development, facilitation, instruction, research and analytics, strategy, curriculum development and delivery. As a diversity consultant Greg has provided a range of services to various federal and state government agencies including the VA, USDA, US Army Reserve, SBA, and the National Guard, and others.
Furthermore, Greg’s corporate diversity, equity, and inclusion experience includes work with, wealth management, finance, insurance, manufacturing, higher education, major US city administrative centers, global beverage conglomerates, retail services, facilities management, non-profits, and an assortment of legal firms. Greg holds an MA in Human Resources Development, as well as a globally recognized diversity, equity, and inclusion social media influencer.
Greg’s most recent appointment to the Defense Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (DACODAI) provides another opportunity to serve the US Military, our nation, and its citizenry as a diversity, equity, and inclusion professional. Greg is a published author who focuses on family, friends, physical fitness, reading, and loves to volunteer and mentor, where he also provides leadership coaching for business professionals, US Military service members and veterans.