IDI Qualifying Seminars
Individuals wishing to purchase and administer the Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI®) will attend an IDI Qualifying Seminar (QS). The QS, facilitated by expert IDI Faculty, educates participants on the theory and background of the IDI. It also provides training to interpret and share IDI results with groups and individuals.
Qualifying Seminar Pricing
Prices reflect the cost per individual. All prices are in USD $ and are subject to change.
- $2,250
Standard Rate
- $2,100
Non-profit Discounted Rate
For individuals and groups working in a non-profit or government agency - $1,950
Education Discounted Rate
For individuals and groups from educational institutions
What can I expect from the IDI Qualifying Seminar?
- Learn how to administer the IDI to individuals, groups, and organizations
- Become familiar with the Intercultural Development Continuum (IDC)©, the theoretical framework the IDI is based on
- Gain proficiency in interpreting Individual and Group IDI results
- Practice delivering IDI Profile Report Debriefs in supportive role-play scenarios
- Provide and receive an Individual IDI Debrief with a fellow QS participant using your IDI results
- Receive introductory training on the Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory®
What is included?
- Enrollment in the Online IDI Qualifying Seminar (three sessions)
- IDI resources and materials
- Your IDI Individual Profile Report
- Your IDI Intercultural Development Plan (IDP)
- Your Intercultural Conflict Style (ICS) Results
- An individual IDI Qualified Administrator license
- A personal IDI account for purchasing the IDI and generating IDI Reports
- Post QS access to a variety of resources including workshops, webinars, and 1:1 support
Qualifying Seminar Requirements
- Complete approximately 3 hours of pre-work prior to the start of the seminar
- Be in attendance for the entirety of the seminar (5 hours each day for 3 days)
- Complete 1 hour of preparatory work on your own time after the conclusions of both Days 1 & 2, prior to the start of Days 2 & 3
Public Qualifying Seminar Schedule
Standard QS Time
- Start Time
- 12:00 pm Eastern (USA) Time/ 9:00 am Pacific (USA) Time
- End Time
- 5:00 pm Eastern (USA) Time/ 2:00 pm Pacific (USA) Time
AM Session Time
- Start Time
- 8:30 am Eastern (USA) Time/ 5:30 am Pacific (USA) Time
- End Time
- 1:30 pm Eastern (USA) Time/ 10:30 am Pacific (USA) Time
Private Qualifying Seminar
Organizations who wish to register at least 10 participants have the option to schedule a Private Qualifying Seminar. Our team is available to provide more information, schedule a conversation, and begin the planning process.
Benefits of a Private QS
- Ability to schedule a the training at a time that works best for your group
- Opportunity for your group to have a shared experience that will support the success of the IDI in your organization
- Consultation with IDI staff prior to the QS
- Specific adjustments to intentionally connect the IDI to your group’s goals
- Personalized support after the QS including assistance planning your initial launch of the IDI
- Access to free workshops on a variety of IDI topics, scheduled for your newly licensed QAs