Educational Institutions
The IDI is widely used in universities, colleges, and school districts with faculty, staff, and students for a variety of programs including faculty and staff development; student assessment and development; and study abroad and other programming.
Case Studies

South Washington County public schools, located in the Twin Cities region of Minnesota, USA, are making progress towards cultural competency, equity, and inclusion through the implementation of the IDI. With thousands of students in dozens of schools, their goal was to collect data to track progress towards creating a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students, with the help of the IDI.
IDI has been used site-wide at multiple schools to support their School Improvement Plans, specifically regarding the importance intercultural communication has on effective instruction. There are also several smaller groups or departments that have used the IDI for their Department Improvement Plans. The DEI central office staff is responsible for the training and group sessions for sites/groups that use the IDI, ensuring ongoing and sustainable support that ties the IDI together with district goals regarding equity, instruction, climate, and culture.
Qualified Administrators
40+ teachers, administrators, and staff became IDI Qualified Administrators to support project implementation and ensure the longevity of the program.
500+ individuals have taken the IDI. After district leadership took the IDI, the opportunity was gradually offered to school staff and teachers within the district.
The IDI was used with individual and group development to work towards a collective systemic culture that values equity.
- Established shared meaning and articulated goals
- Integrated offering Individual IDI Debriefs during professional development days to build self-awareness
- Supported individual intercultural development through coaching opportunities
- Used group insights from IDI results to build cultural competency into the curriculum selection process
- Created targeted professional development opportunities to best meet the needs of the staff, based on IDI results
Other Case Studies
Interested in ways the IDI has been used in other settings? Explore our other compelling case studies that feature a variety of approaches to using the IDI.
Non-Profit Organizations
A variety of non-profit organizations use the IDI for individual and small team development to improve intercultural competency.
Large and small corporations use the IDI for individual and small team development as well as large-scale organizational assessment.
The IDI is used in all levels of government agencies to help individuals and groups achieve their intercultural competency goals.